Transport order

Transport order
Express shipment (same day shipment at extra costs)?
Is it known or reasonably expected that the goods are infectious?*
If yes, what is the risk group (WHO) of the material?
Are the goods genetically modified?*
If yes, what is the licence level or group of the material?
Are the good subject to export authorisations (EU 428/2009)?

Is the reason of sending for diagnostic purposes?
Do you want to have an additional transport insurance (value > € 87 per kg.)?
Are cooling packs to be used for this shipment?
Are cooling packs to be provided by B.L.S.?
Is Dry Ice to be used for this shipment?
Is Dry Ice to be provided by B.L.S.?
Do you have packages which are in accordance with ADR/IATA?
Are packages to be provided by B.L.S.?*
For this order the General conditions of SGS are applicable, unless otherwise agreed upon, and additionally for transport the following conditions shall apply: for national transport the AVC conditions, for international road transport the CMR conditions and for air transport the Montreal convention.
Do you agree with the General conditions?*